
Snowshoe tour

Explore the stunning nature on snowshoes at Gausta's secret location with views of Gaustatoppen, the UNESCO World Heritage town of Rjukan, and Hardangervidda National Park. Enjoy a hot chocolate and freshly baked cinnamon bun while our guide shares insights into local flora, fauna, and the region's history. Tours will be adjusted according to weather and snow conditions.

Pris: 495 NOK per person (inkludert guide, utstyr, hodelykter og forfriskninger). Fysisk form: Moderat kondisjonsnivå Alder: 13+ Varighet: 2,5 timer Maks: 8 deltakere


18 mar 2025 - 29 apr 2025


Pris från 495 NOK
13-16 år
17+ år